
Our centre boasts both a pool and underwater treadmill, this allows us to ensure your dog receives the most appropriate form of treatment for their individual needs. To decide which modality is best, your dog will be thoroughly assessed and evaluated to determine treatment goals that are specific to their diagnosis. This information will allow us to select which modality would be the most beneficial to achieve optimum recovery.


Our centre includes a purpose-built hydrotherapy pool that is 3.6m in length, 2.5m in width and 1.2m deep. The pool has safe access by means of a purpose built ramp system. The pool is also fitted with twin swim jets which can be used to create a current in the pool allowing for longer forward motion, enabling us to increase the intensity of the swims. The jets can be used for fitness training and to provide sensory input for neurological deficits. 

Underwater Treadmill

A new addition to our centre is the underwater treadmill, enabling a more controlled hydrotherapy environment. Features of our treadmill include the addition of an incline to encourage increased hindlimb engagement and an underwater massage feature. It is an XL range accommodating large breeds and has a large, inviting ramp for safe entry and exit of the unit.

The Properties of Water