Frequently Asked Questions

We have summarised the answers to frequently asked questions below. Should you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch and speak to a friendly member of our team!
1Do I need a vet referral?
We require a vet referral form filled out even if the session is purely for exercise or recreational purposes. A form can be downloaded by clicking here and taken to the vets to be filled out and signed. Alternatively, we can request one from your vets on your behalf if you contact us. We will require this form returned to us before the first session. This ensures the dog is physically fit enough to undergo treatment and there are no underlying conditions that we need to be aware of.
2Does my dog have to have an injury to come to Nadder Valley Animal Rehabilitation?
No! We can offer general fitness and conditioning programmes whether you own a sporting dog or just wish to keep them in tip top condition! This is also a great method of preventative treatment as we may be able to help identify areas of weakness which may be predisposed to injury or dysfunction in the future.
3Does my dog need to be vaccinated?
We would prefer if your dog is vaccinated but it is not essential. Regardless of their vaccination status, if your dog is showing signs of illness, please call us in advance as it's likely treatment won't be appropriate until the illness has resolved.
4How long do sessions last?
Session length will depend on the treatment plan your dog has been recommended. Initial assessments last up to 90 minutes, all other sessions will vary between 30-50 minutes depending on their treatment.
5What should I bring to the session?
Please ensure you bring a lead, your dogs must be secure at all times unless permitted otherwise. We request that you bring your own towel for after hydrotherapy sessions and any treats/ toys that are particularly high value for your dog to help with motivation and compliance! We also recommend that you wear non-slip footwear around the centre as some areas can become wet.
6Can my dog eat before their session?
If your dog is having hydrotherapy, please make sure they have NOT eaten for at least 3 hours before your appointment time. It is also advised to wait 1 hour AFTER the appointment has finished before feeding a meal.
7What do I do when I arrive?
Our car park is located directly opposite the building, on your right hand side as your enter the business park. Please allow your dog the opportunity to toilet on the grassy area which borders our car park. Please ensure you pick up after your dog and use the bin provided at the front of the building. We enforce a one-way system to ensure patients do not need to interact with others therefore, once you arrive, you are welcome to make your way into our signposted reception and wait until your appointment time. Please do not enter reception more than 10 minutes prior to your appointment time. Please see our 'About' page for a breakdown of what to expect from your first session.
8What if I need to cancel?
We ask that you give us 24 hours notice to cancel an appointment unless your dog is unwell or is unable to attend for other health reasons. Please see our Terms and Conditions for more information on when it is not appropriate to bring your dog to their session. If you do not show to your appointment and have not notified us with 24 hours notice, we will charge a full session fee as we may have been able to offer this appointment to another patient. If you are running late to your appointment, please just let us know and we can best advise.
9Will my insurance company cover the costs of rehabilitation?
Most insurance companies will cover rehabilitative treatment, please see your policy for 'Complementary Therapies'. It is your responsibility to check with your insurer before attending treatment if you wish to claim the costs back. Unfortunately, we are unable to claim costs directly from insurers therefore, you will need to make payment at the end of your session and we can provide you with a receipt and complete a claims form if required.
10Will the chlorinated water harm my dog?
Our chlorine levels are carefully monitored every day, multiple times a day to ensure a safe hydrotherapy environment for all our patients. The recommended chlorine levels are the same as those in human swimming pools and are therefore considered safe. Regardless of this, we will rinse your dog after they have been in the pool or underwater treadmill to remove any residual chlorine from their coats.
11Are there any instances when you won't let my dog swim?
Yes! Please see out Terms and Conditions for a break down of this. This list is not exhaustive and we have the right to refuse a session if for any reason we feel it is not appropriate for your dog.
12Can I swim with my dog?
Unfortunately, we do not allow owners to enter the pool with their dogs for health and safety reasons concerning both you and your dog!
13Can I bring other dogs to a session?
We are happy for other well-behaved family dogs to accompany a session but we do as that they are kept on a lead at all times.
14Will there be other dogs in the centre at the same time?
All of our sessions are by appointment only and spaces will not be shared between patients. There may be times when appointments in other areas of the centre overlap however, we enforce a one way system to ensure there is never any necessary interaction between dogs. Please note there may be a crossover of patients in the car park when arriving and leaving so we ask that you are respectful of others by always keeping your dog on the lead and under close control.
15How many sessions will my dog need?
Every patient is different and response to treatments can vary widely depending on many different factors including age, concurrent conditions and frequency of treatment. We will usually recommend weekly sessions to begin with for 5 weeks. At this point, we will review your dog's progress and determine the best plan going forward considering the goals we have developed with you specifically for them.
16Is hydrotherapy the same as swimming in a river?
Not at all! We strive to provide safe and effective hydrotherapy treatment in a warm, relaxing and controlled environment. Natural bodies of water are usually very cold which constricts blood flow around the body, reducing the functional ability of muscle and therefore increasing the risk of injury. Cold water submersion also poses extreme risks for more senior patients and those with underlying cardiorespiratory dysfunction. In addition to this, rivers and lakes are often home to unpleasant and dangerous bacteria which may put your dog at risk of infection!